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Hacker in Residence — Winter 2024



Berlin, Germany · Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Posted on Oct 9, 2024

Hacker in Residence — Winter 2024

Build cool AI projects. Launch them. Get paid. Repeat.
We’re opening up our Hacker in Residence program for Winter 2024 to give talented developers a chance to create groundbreaking AI applications using Restack’s autonomous AI framework. Whether you want to hack on something big or small, the goal is simple: build, launch, and share your work with the world.

What You’ll Do

Create Innovative AI Projects: Use Restack’s framework to build AI systems that push the boundaries of what’s possible.
Open-Source and Launch: Share your projects on GitHub, Hacker News, Product Hunt, and beyond.
Get Paid: Earn up to $10K per project, depending on the scope and impact.
No strings attached. You can even start a company from your project if you want.

Why Apply?

The AI world is expanding fast, but most people are still building basic chatbots. We’re looking for hackers who want to go beyond and build the next generation of autonomous systems. This is your chance to explore, experiment, and get paid to build projects that could change the landscape of AI.

Request for Projects

Here are some of the projects we’d love to see this season:
Build next-generation AI software engineering platforms (integrations: GitHub, Visual Code, Llama): Autonomous AI that streamlines engineering workflows by automating tasks like PR reviews, code migrations, and bug detection.
Marketing (integrations: Hubspot, Google Ads, Facebook Ads): Autonomous AI that transforms marketing by continuously analyzing campaign performance, optimizing ad spend, and providing real-time insights on customer behavior.
Build an autonomous trading product (integrations: Anthropic, Bloomberg, Alpaca): Autonomous AI does more than just execute trades; it can continuously learn and adapt to market conditions by analyzing financial reports, extracting insights, and enhancing strategies.
For product teams (integrations: Posthog, Lineal, OpenAI): Autonomous AI that automates data analysis, task creation, and insights generation, enabling product teams to focus on innovation while AI handles routine tasks and adapts to user behavior in real-time.
Video production pipelines (Luma AI, Youtube, TikTok): Autonomous AI that automates video creation by generating, editing, and optimizing content, significantly reducing manual tasks in the production process.
Got your own idea? Build it. We want to see projects that push the boundaries of autonomous systems and showcase what AI can really do.

Apply Now

Submit your GitHub repos, past projects, or anything that proves you’re ready to build something amazing.
Contact: jobs@restack.io